- RF Repeaters
- Single Band Repeaters
- 450MHz Repeaters
- 700MHz LTE Repeaters
- 800 / 850MHz Japan Repeaters
- EU LTE 800MHz Repeaters
- Cellular 850MHz Repeatersr
- SMR 850MHz Repeaters
- 900 MHz Repeaters
- PDC 1500 MHz Japan
- AWS 1700MHz Repeaters
- 1700MHz Japan Repeaters
- DCS 1800MHz Repeaters
- PCS 1900MHz Repeaters
- UMTS 2100MHz Repeaters
- LTE 2600MHz Repeaters
- Dual Band Repeaters
- 850-1700MHz RF Repeaters
- 850-1800MHz RF Repeaters
- 850-1900MHz RF Repeaters
- 850-2100MHz RF Repeaters
- SMR 850MHz- AWS1700MHz
- 900-1800MHz RF Repeaters
- 900 - 2100 MHz RF Repeaters
- 1800-2100MHz RF Repeaters
- 800-2100MHz RF Repeaters
- Triple Band Repeaters
- 800-1800-2600MHz RF Repeaters
- 850-1700-1900MHz RF Repeater
- 850-1800-2100 MHz RF Repeaters
- 900-1800-2100 MHz RF Repeaters
- Distributed Antenna System
- Cellular Fiber Distribution Antenna System (DAS)
- In Builiding DAS - Poinit Of Interface unit (POI)
- Public Safety Fiber Distribution Antenna System (DAS)
- GSM-R Fiber DAS
- Public Safety Bi Directional Amplifiers & DAS
- UHF Coverage solution
- VHF Bi Directional Amplifier
- LMR 380-512 MHz Coverage Solutions
- BDA's 380-512 MHz
- Fiber DAS system 380-512 MHz
- In Line Booster 380-512 MHz
- SMR 850MHz Covergae solution
- BDA's SMR 850 MHz
- Fiber DAS SMR 850 MHz
- SMR 700/850 MHz Covrage Solutions
- TETRA 400MHz Coverage Solutions
- TETRA 400MHz BDA's
- TETRA 400MHz Fiber DAS
- TETRA 400MHz In Line Booster
- TETRA 800 MHz Coverage Solutions
- TETRA 800 MHz BDA's
- TETRA 800 MHz Fiber DAS
- TETRA 800 MHz In Line Booster
- GSM-R Coverage solutions
- GSM-R Repeaters
- GSM -R Fiber DAS
- Active Devices
- Multi Carrier Power Amplifier (MCPA)
- Multi Carrier Outdoor Boosting (TMB)
- Filters, Diplexers and Multiplexers
- Base Station (BTS) and DAS band selective filters
- Base Station (BTS) and DAS Diplexers and Cross Band Couplers
- Base Station (BTS) and DAS Triplexers and Cross Band Couplers
- Passive Devices
- Power Spliters 698-3800 MHz
- Couplers 698-3800MHz
- Hybrid 2x2 698-3800MHz
- RF Matrix 4x4 698-3800 MHz
- 50 ohm High Power Dummy Load (Termination)
Check out our RF coverage products/solutions!
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RF Products, Components, Power Amplifiers in-building coverage
EMTS Telecom Services, offers cutting-edge engineering capabilities, superior field support and innovative product design.
We supply passive and active, in-building / outdoor Cellular / network coverage solutions and RF products such as:
- 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, LTE & TETRA - repeaters
- LMR, VHF, APCO25 & TETRA - Bi Directional Amplifiers (BDA)
- 400M, 700M, 900M 1800MHz, 2100MHz & 2600M - Bi-Directional Amplifers
- Low PIM - Hybrid Matrix, Filters & Diplexers
- In Building DAS (Distribution Antenna System) solutions
- And more!
To view more products at our catalog, CLICK HERE and select the desired product category from the menu on the left.
If you are interested in specific product / solution, please, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or fill out the CONTACT US FORM HERE.